
30 Years Dedicated to Thermoelectric Materials Research


: Kunihito Koumoto

间:2018118号(星期四)下午 2

点:理学部 LA104




Kunihito Koumoto's first paper on thermoelectric materials was published in 1987. It was on porous SiC. Since the time just before the first publication, he have been engaged in TE materials research for more than 30 years and still continue thermoelectric research by collaborating with his former students, colleagues, and collaborators in China, Korea, Australia, Saudi Arabia as well as Japan after retiring from Nagoya University in 2015.On this occasion, Kunihito Koumoto will demonstrate in this talk how he became involved in this field, why he have chosen those specific kinds of materials for research target, how he kept his motivation, where he is going from now, what he wants young people to do, etc.


Kunihito Koumoto教授分别于1974年,1976年和1979年获得东京大学理学学士学位,理学硕士学位,理学博士学位,主要研究领域为低维结构纳米热电材料,热电应用方面的材料处理与模块设计。他在热电领域的贡献包括提出“纳米块集成”“量子纳米结构材料”等概念并提出了多孔SiC陶瓷、2D层状氧化物、无机/有机杂化超晶格等新材料。国际热电学会(ITS)因他对热电领域做出的巨大科学与技术的贡献于2018年授予他杰出成就奖。同时他担任美国陶瓷学会会员、日本陶瓷学会会员、MSET部长等职务,并在2008年获科学技术奖(研究类)表彰,2013年获日本皇帝紫绶带勋章、加藤纪念奖,2018年获年度优秀成果奖。