
西南理论物理中心系列报告:Quantum measurements and correlation in high energy physics


报告题目:Quantum measurements and correlation in high energy physics

报告人: 钱辰(助理研究员),北京量子信息科学研究院




Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss the application of quantum information theory to high energy decay processes. Specially, I focus on the decay of Λ hyperons. Here, I first introduce a generalized quantum measurement description for decay processes of spin-1/2 hyperons, and align it with the joint decay of correlated ΛΛ ̅ pairs. Based on this, a violation of generalized Clauser-Horne inequality can be detected experimentally on BESIII, which proves the quantum correlation between ΛΛ ̅ pairs. Besides, I will show a quantum simulation of this decay process on the cloud platform of quantum computing developed from BAQIS, which is called Quafu (Quantum Future).

Brief CV:  钱辰,北京量子信息科学研究院助理研究员,研究方向为量子信息与高能物理的交叉。2021年博士毕业于中国科学技术大学粒子物理与原子核物理专业,2021-2023年在清华大学和北京量子信息科学研究院从事博士后工作。主要致力于用量子信息的语言描述高能物理反应过程,并且在这些反应中观测量子非定域性的相关工作。目前已经发表PRD,JHEP等相关SCI论文8篇,于2023年获得国家青年基金项目“量子信息动力学在高能物理中的应用”。业余运营科普公众号TEPers,粉丝数1400+,致力于将物理学写成小说。