龚佑品 副教授
E-mail: gongyp@cqu.edu.cn
2017.05- 2020.07,南方科技大学,前沿与交叉科学研究院,研究副教授
1. 半导体薄膜器件与物理性质
2. 纳米光电子器件与应用
3. 低维材料(包括异质结)合成及其光电子器件
4. 纳米材料体系的电学输运性质
主要从事介电材料、二维层状薄膜、纳米材料的生长与性能、电子输运器件和光电探测器件等交叉领域科学研究,积累了丰富的实验技术、实验室搭建和管理经验。主持和参与国自然重点项目、国自然面上项目、国自然青年基金、深圳市基础研究学科布局等项目。迄今获得授权专利10项,包含1项美国专利,在Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Optical Materials, Physical Review B, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等期刊发表学术论文40余篇,总引用1600余次,h因子20。
1. 深圳市战略新兴产业发展专项资金-基础研究(学科布局),JCYJ20170817110751776,表面等离子体增强石墨烯基垂直异质结及光电探测器研究,2018.01-2020.12,200万元,主研。
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11474310,边缘平整石墨烯纳米带阵列制备及电子和自旋输运性质研究,2015/01-2018/12,100万元,参与。
3. 国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目,11204348,解耦合石墨烯层间屏蔽和本征缺陷对迁移率影响的研究,2013/01-2015/12,28万元,主持。
4. 江苏省博士后基金,1101051C,石墨烯薄膜应用于GaN基光电器件研究,2011/06-2013/06,2万元,主持。
5. 国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目,51102273,薄层石墨烯片的液相解理制备及其储锂机制,2012/01-2014/12,25万元,参与。
6、中国基础研究重大专项,2009ZX02039-004,新型半导体基集成电路用高k 栅介质材料、界面结构及其关键制备技术(2009.01-2011.01),392万元,主研。
代表学术论文(#共同一作,*通讯作者),全部发表论文列表可见如下学术网页:ORCID:0000-0002-2155-9511;Researcher ID:http://www.researcherid.com/rid/O-2727-2014;谷歌学术:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=RC3AqDUAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN
1. T. L. Qi#, Y. P. Gong#*, A. L. Li, X. M. Ma, P. P. Wang, R. Huang, C. Liu, R. Sakidja, J. Z. Wu, L. R. Chen*, Y. Zhang*. Interlayer transition in a vdW heterostructure toward ultrahigh detectivity shortwave infrared photodetectors. Advanced Functional Materials 30, 1905687 (2020). (共一、通讯作者)
2. C. H. Gong, J. W. Chu, S. F. Qian, C. J. Yin, X. Z. Hu, H. B. Wang, Y. Wang, X. Ding, S. C. Jiang, A. L. Li, Y. P. Gong, X. F. Wang*, C. B. Li*, T. Y. Zhai, J. Xiong*. Large-scale ultrathin 2D wide-bandgap BiOBr nanoflakes for gate-controlled deep-ultraviolet phototransistors. Advanced Materials, 1908242 (2020).
3. A. L. Li, Q. X. Chen, P. P. Wang, Y. Gan, T. L. Qi, P. Wang, F. D. Tang, J. Z. Wu, R. Chen*, L. Y. Zhang*, Y. P. Gong*. Ultrahigh-sensitive broadband photodetectors based on dielectric shielded MoTe2/Graphene/SnS2 p-g-n junctions. Advanced Materials 31, 1805656 (2019). (Frontpiece article) (通讯作者)
4. M. G. Gong*, P. Adhikari, Y. P. Gong, T. Wang, Q. F. Liu*, B. Kattle, W. Y. Ching, W. L. Chan, J. Z. Wu*. Polarity-controlled attachment of cytochrome c for high performance cytochrome c/graphene van der Waals heterojunction photodetectors. Advanced Functional Materials 28, 1704797 (2018).
5. Y. P. Gong*, P. Adhikari, Q. F. Liu, T. Wang, M. G. Gong, W.-L. Chan, W.-Y. Ching, J. Wu*. Designing interface of carbon nanotube/biomaterials for high-performance ultra-broadband photodetection. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, 11016 (2017).
6. Y. P. Gong*, Q. F. Liu, M. G. Gong, T. Wang, G. G. Zeng, W.-L. Chan, J. Wu*. High-performance photodetectors based on effective exciton dissociation in protein-adsorbed multi-walled carbon nanotube nanohybrids. Advanced Optical Materials 5, 1600478 (2017). (Inside Front Cover)
7. J. Wilt*, Y. P. Gong, M. Gong, F. F. Su, H. K. Xu, R. Sakidja, A. Elliot, R. T. Lu, S. P. Zhao, S. Y. Han, J. Z. Wu*. Atomically thin Al2O3 films for tunnel junctions. Physical Review Applied 7, 064022 (2017).
8. Q. F. Liu*, B. Cook, M. G. Gong*, Y. P. Gong, D. Ewing, M. Casper, A. Stramel, J. Wu*. Printable transfer-free wafer-size MoS2/graphene van der Waals heterostructures for high-performance photodetection. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, 12728 (2017).
9. Q. F. Liu*, Y. P. Gong, T. Wang, W. L. Chan, J. Wu*. Metal-catalyst-free and controllable growth of high-quality monolayer and AB-stacked bilayer graphene on silicon dioxide. Carbon 96, 203 (2016).
10. T. R. Kafle, T. Wang, B. Kattel, Q. F. Liu, Y. P. Gong, J. Wu, Wai-Lun Chan*. Hot exciton relaxation and exciton trapping in single-walled carbon nanotube thin films. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120, 24482 (2016).
11. Y. P. Gong*, Q. F. Liu, J. S. Wilt, M. G. Gong, S. Ren, J. Wu*. Wrapping cytochrome c around single-wall carbon nanotube: engineered nanohybrid building blocks for infrared detection at high quantum efficiency. Scientific Reports 5, 11328 (2015).
12. C. R. Ma#, Y. P. Gong#, R. T. Lu, E. Brown, B. H. Ma, J. Li, J. Wu*. Detangling extrinsic and intrinsic hysteresis for detecting dynamic switch of electric dipoles using graphene field-effect transistors on ferroelectric gates. Nanoscale 7, 18489 (2015). (Back cover) (共一作者)
13. Q. F. Liu*, Y. P. Gong, J. S. Wilt, R. Sakidja, J. Wu*. Synchronous growth of AB-stacked bilayer graphene on Cu by simply controlling hydrogen pressure in CVD process. Carbon 93, 199 (2015).
14. F. Xu, S. Das, Y. P. Gong, Q. F. Liu, H.-C. Chien, H.-Y. Chiu, J. Wu, R. Q. Hui*. Complex refractive index tunability of graphene at 1550 nm wavelength. Applied Physics Letters 106, 031109 (2015).
15. M. S. Long#, Y. P. Gong#, X. F. Wei, C. Zhu, J. B. Xu, P. Liu,Y. F. Guo, W. W. Li, G. T. Liu, L. W. Liu*. Electron-electron interaction, weak localization and spin valve effect in vertical-transport graphene devices. Applied Physics Letters 104, 153114 (2014). (共一作者)
16. Y. P. Gong, H. F. Zhai, X. J. Liu, J. Z. Kong, D. Wu, A. D. Li*. Impact of Gd2O3 passivation layer on interfacial and electrical properties of atomic-layer-deposited ZrO2 gate dielectric on GaAs. Applied Surface Science 291, 35 (2014).
17. Q. Li, Y. F. Guo, W. W. Li, S. Q. Qiu, C. Zhu, X. F. Wei, M. L. Chen, C. J. Liu, S. T. Liao, Y. P. Gong, A. K. Mishra, L. W. Liu*. Ultrahigh thermal conductivity of assembled aligned multilayer graphene/epoxy composite, Chemistry of Materials 26, 4459 (2014).
18. Y. P. Gong, M. S. Long, G. T. Liu, S. Gao, C. Zhu, X. F. Wei, X. M. Geng, M. T. Sun, C. L. Yang, L. Lu*, L. W. Liu*. Electronic transport properties of graphene nanoribbon arrays fabricated by unzipping aligned nanotubes. Physical Review B 87, 165404 (2013).
19. Y. P. Gong, X. M. Zhang, G. T. Liu, L. Q. Wu, X. M. Geng, M. S. Long, X. H. Cao, Y. F. Guo, W. W. Li, J. B. Xu, M. T. Sun, L. Lu, L. W. Liu*. Layer-controlled and wafer-scale synthesis of uniform and high-quality graphene films on polycrystalline nickel catalyst. Advanced Functional Materials 22, 3153 (2012).
20. Y. P. Gong, A. D. Li*, X. J. Liu, H. Li, D. Wu. Effect of surface treatments on interfacial characteristics and band alignments of atomic-layer-deposited Al2O3 films on GaAs substrates. Surface and Interface Analysis 43, 734 (2011).
21. J. Z. Kong, Y. P. Gong, A. D. Li*, Q. Y. Yan, X. F. Li, J. L. Zhang, H. R. Guo, D. Wu. Magnetic Properties of FePt nanoparticle assembly embedded in atomic-layer-deposited Al2O3. Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, 5046 (2011).
22. W. W. Li, X. M. Geng, Y. F. Guo, J. Z. Rong, Y. P. Gong, L. Q. Wu, X. M. Zhang, P. Li, J. B. Xu, G. S. Cheng, M. M. Sun, L. W. Liu*. Reduced graphene oxide electrically contacted graphene sensor for highly sensitive nitric oxide detection. ACS Nano 5, 6955 (2011).
23. Y. P. Gong, A. D. Li*, C. Zhao, Y. D. Xia, D. Wu. Fabrication and electrical characteristics of ultrathin (HfO2)x(SiO2)1-x films by surface sol-gel method and reaction-anneal treatment. Microelectronic Engineering 87, 1756 (2010).
24. Y. P. Gong, A. D. Li*, X. F. Li, H. Li, H. F. Zhai, D.Wu. Impact of Al/Hf ratio on electrical properties and band alignments of atomic-layer-deposited HfO2/Al2O3 on S-passivated GaAs substrates. Semiconductor Science and Technology 25, 055012 (2010).
25. Y. P. Gong, A. D. Li*, X. Qian, C. Zhao, D. Wu. Interfacial structure and electrical properties of ultrathin HfO2 dielectric films on Si substrates by surface sol-gel method. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42, 015405 (2009).
1. Wu J, Gong YP, and Liu QF (equal distribution), Biomolecule-Carbon Nanostructrure Nanocomposites for Optoelectronic Devices, US patent number 10224499 B2
2. 龚佑品,李爱东,钱旭,吴迪,闵乃本,一种制备超薄HfO2或ZrO2栅介质薄膜的软化学法 (专利号:ZL200810123679.8)
3. 龚佑品,李爱东,刘晓杰,吴迪,一种调控GaAs半导体与栅介质间能带补偿的原子层沉积Al2O3/HfO2方法 (专利号:ZL200910233409.7)
4. 刘立伟,龚佑品,龙明生,高嵩,朱超,耿秀梅, 一种制备定向石墨烯纳米带阵列的方法 (专利号:ZL201210284501.8)
5.李爱东,龚佑品,刘晓杰,吴迪,一种GaAs基MOS器件的制备方法 (专利号:ZL201010530165.1)
6. 李学飞,李爱东,龚佑品,翟海法,李辉,吴迪,一种清洗钝化Ge衬底表面的方法 (专利号:ZL201010017126.1)
7. 李爱东,孔继周,龚佑品,张俊龙,吴迪,一种超高密度有序的磁性纳米颗粒复合薄膜的制备方法 (专利号:ZL201010137810.3)