New theories and models will be developed around the Hadron Collider and the Positron Collider to solve fundamental problems related to particle physics: explore the most fundamental structures of matter and the strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions between them; explore the higher-order perturbative and non-perturbative effects in high-energy physics processes and test the Standard Model theory precisely; explore new models to address the problems of the Standard Model, including supersymmetric theory and quantum gravity. In addition, we will explore new theoretical models, including supersymmetric theories and quantum gravity, and study the asymmetry of positive and negative matter in the universe.
On the basis of Einstein's relativity theory, we will explore the fundamental issues related to gravity and cosmology; the formulation of the pseudo-tensor of gravitational wave energy momentum and the problem of positivity; the classical and quantum electrodynamics in curved spacetime; the experimental detection scheme of high frequency gravitational waves; the Finsler geometry-based gravitational theory, the study of spacetime symmetry and the large-scale structure physics of the universe; the study of Gamma-ray burst polarization and the central engine mechanism.
We will also explore the recombination group theory and its applications and canonical gravitational pairs and their applications; numerical simulations of black hole accretion flow, AGN feedback, etc.; periodicity, chaos, fractals, etc. of solar activity and forecasting of solar activity; modulation and control of optical fields by nanostructures such as surface equipartition excitations and optical waveguides; characterization of micro and nano structures by electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy and detection of Raman spectra of optical signals; quantum based on photonic systems Information processing; interaction between optical fields and particles to achieve optimal quantum control techniques and quantum precision measurements; the role of quantum adiabatic evolution in quantum technology; new methods for accurate calculation of the energy level structure of atomic-molecular systems in strong fields; the effect of strong magnetic fields on atomic-molecular structures.
Direction Leader: Xinggang Wu, Xin Li