Personal Record
• Contract details:
address: Room LE510, College of Physics Chongqing University Chongqing, China
zip code: 401331 email: phone:+86-18996326447
• Nationality: China
1999-2003: BSc in Physics, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC).
2003-2008: PhD student at Department of Modern Physics, USTC, Supervisor: Prof. Ma Wen-Gan, graduation date: July 2008.
Phd student of USTC (2003-2008)
Since 2004 I have been doing the phenomenology research of High energy physics. I was focus on the top quark physics in multi-particle production at ILC.
Post Doctor of USTC (2008-2011)
After gain the PhD I continue the research at the laboratory for particle physics phenomenology in USTC as a post doctor. In this period, the gauge interaction and Higgs physic were included in my main research area, and I also studied the MSSM effect.
Associate professor of USTC (2011-2015)
After the post doctor, USTC provide me a associate professor. Due to the Atlas and CMS groups are providing the LHC experiment results, some new physics model should be studied carefully. At present, I focus on the gauge coupling and Higgs physics especially in new physics such as littlest Higgs model and extra dimension model.
Pre-appointed assistant professor of Chongqing University (2015-now)
Since 2015, I have been employed by Chongqing University. The research work in Chongqing University not only further deepened the original research direction, but also studied the properties of double taste hadrons. In technology, I focus on the study of two loop calculation method and program in quantum field theory.
Funded Project
• “Precise research of several new physics at LHC”, Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2009- 2010.
• “Precise study of the Higgs physics and the new physics beyond SM at LHC”, Youth program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2011-2013.
• “Research of the gauge self coupling at LHC”, Youth Innovation Fund of USTC, 2011-2013.
• “Precise search of the 125 GeV SM-like Higgs boson at the LHC and the new physics of the EWSB”, General program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2014-2017.
• “Academic exchange and platform construction of theoretical physics in Chongqing University”, Emergency management project of NSFC, 2017.
1. Wang Yong, Zhang Ren-You, Ma Wen-Gan, Li Xiao-Zhou, Guo Lei, “NLO QCD and electroweak corrections to ZZ+jet production with Z-boson leptonic decays at LHC”, Phys. Rev. D 94 (2016) 013011.
2. Wang Hong, Zhang Ren-You, Ma Wen-Gan, Guo Lei, Li Xiao-Zhou, Wang Shao-Ming, “NLO QCD
+ EW corrections to ZZZ production with subsequent leptonic decays at LHC”, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 43 (2016) 115001.
3. Shen Yong-Bai, Zhang Ren-You, Ma Wen-Gan, Li Xiao-Zhou, Guo Lei, “NLO QCD and elec- troweak corrections to WWW production at the LHC”, Phys. Rev. D 95 (2017) 073005.
4. Ling Liu-Sheng, Zhang Ren-You, Ma Wen-Gan, Li Xiao-Zhou, Guo Lei, Wang Shao-Ming, “Dimension- six operators in Higgs pair production via vector-boson fusion at the LHC”, Phys. Rev. D 96 (2017) 055006.
5. Juan-Juan Niu, Lei Guo*, Shao-Ming Wang, “HZ associated production with decay in the Al- ternative Left-Right Model at CEPC and future linear colliders”, Chin. Phys. C 42 (2018) no.9, 093107.
6. Juan-Juan Niu, Lei Guo*, Hong-Hao Ma, Shao-Ming Wang, “Heavy quarkonium production through the top quark rare decays via the channels involving flavor changing neutral currents”, Eur. Phys. J. C78 (2018) 657.
7. Juan-Juan Niu, Lei Guo*, Hong-Hao Ma, Xing-Gang Wu, Xu-Chang Zheng, “Production of semi- inclusive doubly heavy baryons via top-quark decays”, Phys. Rev. D 98 (2018) 094021.
8. Juan-Juan Niu, Lei Guo*, Hong-Hao Ma, Xing-Gang Wu, “Production of doubly heavy baryons via Higgs boson decays”, Eur. Phys. J. C79 (2019) 339.
Rui-Yu Zhou, Lei Guo*, Hai-Bing Fu, Wei Cheng, Xing-Gang Wu, “The B πlνl semileptonic decay within the LCSR approach under heavy quark effective field theory”, Chin.Phys.C 44 (2020) 013101.