Representative Publications
2020 Liran Wang*, Mingquan He*, Frédéric Hardy, Dai Aoki, Kristin Willa,, Jacques Flouquet, and Christoph Meingast, 'Electronic Nematicity in URu2Si2 Revisited', Physical Review Letters 124, 257601 (2020).
2019 Frédéric Hardy, Mingquan He#, Liran Wang, Thomas Wolf, Peter Schweiss, Michael Merz, Maik Barth, Peter Adelmann, Robert Eder, Amir-Abbas Haghighirad, and Christoph Meingast, 'Calorimetric evidence of nodal gaps in the nematic superconductor FeSe', Physical Review B 99, 035157 (2019).
2018 Liran Wang*, Mingquan He*, Frédéric Hardy, Peter Adelmann, Thomas Wolf, Michael Merz, Peter Schweiss and Christoph Meingast, 'Large nematic susceptibility in the re-entrant C4 magnetic phase of Ba1-xNaxFe2As2', Physical Review B 97, 224518 (2018).
2018 M. Yi, A. Frano, D. H. Lu, Y. He, M. Wang, B. Frandsen, A. F. Kemper, Y. Rong, Q. Si, L. Wang, Mingquan He, F. Hardy, P. Schweiss, P. Adelmann, T. Wolf, M. Hashimoto, S.-K. Mo, Z. Hussain, M. Le Tacon, C. S. Nelson, A. E. Böhmer, D.-H. Lee, Z.-X. Shen, C. Meingast, and R. J. Birgeneau, ' Spectral Evidence for Emergent Order in Ba1-xNaxFe2As2', Physical Review Letters 121, 127001 (2018)
2018 Mingquan He, Xiao Wang, Liran Wang, Frédéric Hardy, Thomas Wolf, Peter Adelmann, Yixi Su and Christoph Meingast, ‘Uniaxial and hydrostatic pressure effects in α-RuCl3 single crystals via thermal-expansion measurements’, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 385702 (2018).
2018 Mingquan He, Liran Wang, Frédéric Hardy, Liping Xu, Thomas Wolf, Peter Adelmann, and Christoph Meingast, 'Evidence for short-range magnetic order in the nematic phase of FeSe from anisotropic in-plane magnetostriction and susceptibility measurements', Physical Review B 97, 104107 (2018).
2017 Mingquan He, Liran Wang, Felix Ahn, Frédéric Hardy, Thomas Wolf, Peter Adelmann, Jörg Schmalian, Ilya Eremin, and Christoph Meingast, 'Dichotomy between in-plane magnetic susceptibility and resistivity anisotropies in extremely strained BaFe2As2', Nature Communications 8, 504(2017).
2016 Mingquan He, Q. L. He, J. Y. Shen, Y. Zheng, C. H. Wong, Q. H. Chen, J. N. Wang, K. T. Law, I. K. Sou, A. P. Petrovic, R. Lortz, 'Pseudogap and proximity effect in the Bi2Te3/Fe1+yTe interfacial superconductor', Scientific Reports 6,32508(2016).
2015 Mingquan He, Dian Shi, Pok Lam Tse, Chi Ho Wong, Oliver Wybranski, Ernst-Wilhelm Scheidt, Wolfgang Scherer, Ping Sheng, and Rolf Lortz, '1D to 3D Dimensional Crossover in the Superconducting Transition of the Quasi-One-Dimensional Carbide Superconductor Sc3CoC4', J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 27, 075702(2015).
2015 Qing Lin He, Mingquan He, Junying Shen, Ying Hoi Lai, Yi Liu, Hongchao Liu, Hongtao He, Gan Wang, Jiannong Wang, Rolf Lortz and Iam Keong Sou, 'Anisotropic magnetic responses of a 2D-superconducting Bi2Te3/FeTe heterostructure', J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 27, 345701(2015).
2014 Qing Lin He, Hongchao Liu, Mingquan He, Ying Hoi Lai, Hongtao He, Gan Wang, Kam Tuen Law, Rolf Lortz, Jian-Nong Wang and Iam Keong Sou, 'Two-dimensional superconductivity at the interface of a Bi2Te3/FeTe heterostructure', Nature Communications 5, 4247 (2014).
2013 Mingquan He, Chi Ho Wong, Pok Lam Tse, Yuan Zheng, Haijing Zhang, Frank L. Y. Lam, Ping Sheng, Xijun Hu and Rolf Lortz, '“Giant” enhancement of the upper critical field and superconducting fluctuations above the bulk Tc in superconducting ultra-thin Pb nanowire arrays', ACS Nano 7, 4187 (2013).