Yehao Deng, Professor and Ph.D. Advisor, Hong-Shen Young Scholar, born in 1989, received his B.S. degree in Materials Physics from Southwest University in 2011, M.S. degree in Condensed Matter Physics from Changchun Institute of Optics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2014, supervised by Dong-Xu Zhao, and Ph.D. degree in Materials Science from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2019, supervised by Prof. Jinsong Huang. -He joined the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as a postdoctoral researcher in 2020, and then joined Perotech Inc, a chalcogenide photovoltaic technology startup, as a Principal Scientist and led a research project in the U.S. He joined the School of Physics of Chongqing University in 2021. He has published more than 40 papers with more than 6800 citations and an H-factor of 37. He has published more than 10 papers as first author in Nature Energy, Joule, Science Advances, Energy Environmental Sciences, Advanced Materials and other high level academic journals. Among them, there are 4 ESI highly cited papers. He has applied for 3 US patents. He is an independent reviewer for Nature Energy, Advanced Energy Materials and other journals. His current research interests are in developing emerging applications of optoelectronic devices in energy and information.
Major research results:
His previous research focuses on the preparation technology of efficient and stable large-area chalcogenide solar cell modules for industrial production. The prepared modules have been certified by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and have been listed in the Solar cell efficiency tables (Version 57). Progress in Photovoltaics 29, 3-15 (2021)), representing the highest level of calcium titanite solar modules (2021). He has published nine articles as first author in top journals of energy materials, applied for three patents, and has been featured twice in Nature Energy.
He has also discovered and studied the room temperature phosphorescence of a class of carbon-based nanomaterials as the first author (Chemical Communications, 49, 51, 5751-5753, 2013, ESI Highly Cited Paper). This work is widely regarded as the pioneering work in the field ("This work constitutes the first report of Carbon-dots with persistent room temperature phosphorescence. " Tang B Z. et al. Nature Reviews Materials, 5, 869-885 (2020)), and adds an important member to the family of organic room-temperature phosphorescent materials.
Published articles (one independent or co-authored):
Deng, Yehao; Zheng, Xiaopeng; Bai, Yang; Wang, Qi; Zhao, Jingjing; Huang, Jinsong; Surfactant-controlled ink drying enables high-speed deposition of perovskite films for efficient photovoltaic modules, Nature Energy, 3, 7, 560, 2018 (Highlighted by Nature Energy) (ESI高被引)
Deng, Yehao; Ni, Zhenyi; Palmstrom, Axel F.; Zhao, Jingjing; Xu, Shuang; Van Brackle, Charles H.; Xiao, Xun; Zhu, Kai; Huang, Jinsong; Reduced self-doping of perovskites induced by short annealing for efficient solar modules, Joule, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joule.2020.07.003, 2020
Deng Yehao; Van Brackle, Charles H; Dai, Xuezeng; Zhao, Jingjing; Chen, Bo; Huang, Jinsong; Tailoring solvent coordination for high-speed, room-temperature blading of perovskite photovoltaic films, Science Advances, 2019, 5(12): eaax7537 (Highlighted by Nature Energy)
Deng, Yehao; Dong, Qingfeng; Bi, Cheng; Yuan, Yongbo; Huang, Jinsong; Air-stable, efficient mixed-cation perovskite solar cells with Cu electrode by scalable fabrication of active layer, Advanced Energy Materials, 6, 11, 1600372, 2016 (ESI高被引)
Deng, Yehao; Xiao, Zhengguo; Huang, Jinsong; Light-induced self-poling effect on organometal trihalide perovskite solar cells for increased device efficiency and stability, Advanced Energy Materials, 5, 20, 1500721, 2015
Deng, Yehao (共一); Peng, Edwin; Shao, Yuchuan; Xiao, Zhengguo; Dong, Qingfeng; Huang, Jinsong; Scalable fabrication of efficient organolead trihalide perovskite solar cells with doctor-bladed active layers; Energy & Environmental Science, 8, 5, 1544-1550, 2015 (ESI高被引)
Deng, Yehao; Wang, Qi; Yuan, Yongbo; Huang, Jinsong; Vividly colorful hybrid perovskite solar cells by doctor-blade coating with perovskite photonic nanostructures, Materials Horizons, 2, 6, 578-583, 2015
Deng, Yehao; Chen, Xing; Wang, Fei; Zhang, Xueao; Zhao, Dongxu; Shen, Dezhen; Environment-dependent photon emission from solid state carbon dots and its mechanism, Nanoscale, 6, 17, 10388-10393, 2014
Deng, Yehao; Zhao, Jingjing; Li, Qing; Xu, Xiaoyu; Lin, Hua; Li, Yuan; A generic in situ seed-mediated size- control method in the case of cuprous oxide nanocubes and their antibacterial activities, CrystEngComm, 16, 24, 5184-5188, 2014
Deng, Yehao; Zhao, Dongxu; Chen, Xing; Wang, Fei; Song, Hang; Shen, Dezhen; Long lifetime pure organic phosphorescence based on water soluble carbon dots, Chemical Communications, 49, 51, 5751-5753, 2013 (ESI高被引)
Zheng, Xiaopeng; Deng, Yehao (共一); Chen, Bo; Wei, Haotong; Xiao, Xun; Fang, Yanjun; Lin, Yuze; Yu, Zhenhua; Liu, Ye; Wang, Qi; Dual functions of crystallization control and defect passivation enabled by sulfonic zwitterions for stable and efficient perovskite solar cells, Advanced Materials, 30, 52, 1803428, 2018
Tang, Shi; Deng, Yehao (共一); Zheng, Xiaopeng; Bai, Yang; Fang, Yanjun; Dong, Qingfeng; Wei, Haotong; Huang, Jinsong; Composition engineering in doctor-blading of perovskite solar cells, Advanced Energy Materials, 7, 18, 1700302, 2017
Conference Report
"The Fluid Dynamics in Perovskite Scalable Coating and Its Suppression by Surfactants for Efficient Photovoltaic Modules" , oral presentation, 2018 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, USA.
"Scalable Fabrication of Perovskite Film for Efficient and Stable Solar Cells" , oral presentation, 2016 Materials Research Society (MRS ) Spring Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
2017: Scholarship for Outstanding Self-Funded International Students from China ("self-funded" refers to overseas Chinese students who are funded by foreign institutions through their own contacts)
2014: National Scholarship for Graduate Students
Graduate Student Admissions.
This research group focuses on fundamental scientific problems and emerging application development of optoelectronic materials and devices, and intends to recruit 2-3 graduate students (M.S., Ph.D., and direct Ph.D.) each year by exemption or general admission, and we sincerely welcome students from materials, physics, and chemistry to apply!!!
Welcome email contact: dengyh0521@hotmail.com