Ligong Bian
Biography: 2018.9-present, College of Physics, Chongqing University, Associate Professor; 2017-2019, Research Professor, Department of Physics, Central University, Korea; 2016.2 joined Chongqing University; 2014-2016, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Postdoctoral Research; 2013.12, Nankai University, Theoretical Physics D. degree from Nankai University in 2013.12. 2004.9-2008.6, Qujing Normal College, B.S. in Physics.
His major field of study is particle physics and particle cosmology.
Research areas: new physics beyond the standard model of particle physics, cross-cutting topics of particle physics and cosmology.
His main research interests include: CP destruction, Higgs physics, dark matter, electroweak phase transitions, gravitational wave physics, early universe positive and negative matter asymmetry, primordial magnetic field, etc. He has published and received 35 papers in the mainstream journals of high-energy physics such as PRL, PRD, JHEP, PLB, EPJC, etc. His research results have been recognized and cited by domestic and international peers, with a total of more than 1,000 citations and an H-factor of 19 (high-energy physics INSPIRE-HEP data, link: http://old.inspirehep.net /Bian.1?ln=zh_CN).
Recent research projects: 1) NSF Surface Project (2021-2024) - New Physics Related to the Generation of Random Gravitational Waves by Electroweak Phase Transitions; 2) NSF Young Investigator Project (2017-2020) - Vectors of Baryon Number Asymmetry and Related New Physics. E-mail address: lgbycl@cqu.edu.cn.