We would like to invite the doctors with academic background of semiconductor physics,
materials, electronics and relevant fields to our team. If you are interested in one of the
aforementioned positions, please contact Dr. Shijian Chen via email (sjchen_at_cqu.edu.cn).
工作。 具体事宜请参见人事处有关团队博士后政策:
materials, electronics and relevant fields to our team. If you are interested in one of the
aforementioned positions, please contact Dr. Shijian Chen via email (sjchen_at_cqu.edu.cn).
工作。 具体事宜请参见人事处有关团队博士后政策:
We are looking for enthusiastic students with physics, materials, electronics or other related
education background to join us.
education background to join us.
We are glad to provide a research platform with enough freedom for undergraduate
interested in science.
interested in science.